urbanus vulgaris

urban life & culture / ideas & insights / innovation & development

Month: July, 2012

Six Degrees of Separation (a 2009 BBC documentary)

by vytasvulgaris

“Documentary unfolding the science behind the idea of six degrees of separation. Originally thought to be an urban myth, it now appears that anyone on the planet can be connected in just a few steps of association. Six degrees of separation is also at the heart of a major scientific breakthrough; that there might be a law which nature uses to organize itself and that now promises to solve some of its deepest mysteries (http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00kdtvv).

Genre De Vie (sneak preview)

by vytasvulgaris


Genre de Vie is a documentary film about bicycles, cities and personal awareness. It looks at desired space and our own impact to the process of it. The film documents urban life empowered by the simplicity of the bicycle  (http://www.genredevie.com).

Here our friends film makers introduce a sneak preview already showing some pure thoughts and insights wraped in amazing imagery and motion. The rest is comming up this winter.