urbanus vulgaris

urban life & culture / ideas & insights / innovation & development

Month: January, 2013

Rockin’ Europe

by jiookrednav

“Does European Popmusic exist? A musical trip trhough Europe. What are the most important bands of the moment and which are promesing for the future?”


Never mind th Dutch guy at the start…. Interesting to see Europeans have things in common, although we are all so diverse. Including Estonian guys on their first tour.


City apart from the world / where those, who want to leave are rare

by gailiute

THE OIL ROCKS – Behind this enigmatic name lies the first and largest offshore oil town ever built. A vast, sprawling web of oil platforms in the middle of the Caspian Sea, commissioned by Stalin in 1949.
Imagine: 2,000 oil rigs, 300 kilometres of bridges, rusty old Soviet trucks rolling back and forth, nine-storey building blocks, thousands of oil workers, a cultural palace, a lemonade factory, a green park…
Sixty years on, the Oil Rocks still stand. But two-thirds of the infrastructure has been regained by the sea. A kind of Oil Atlantis, only real.
Combining black-and-white archives from the Soviet era and contemporary footage, the film tells the story of this timeless place and of some of its amazing inhabitants.
It is the first time a Western film crew is allowed to make a documentary on the site since its creation.

Doug Saunders: Arrival City

by vytasvulgaris

About nothing new-urban and rural relationship:  about often unnoticed and undervalued potentials of immigrant neighourhoods, social traps of  restrictive zoning  policies, planning and design. (Once again a great journalist appears to be an even greater urbanist. )